If you are expecting or your baby has already arrived I would say that now is the best time to book your newborn session!
If I had to say an exact time of when to book that would be when you are in the beginning of your2nd trimester. That will give you time to have a maternity session if you want to do that and it will guarantee that their is a session slot around your due date.
Mom to mom here…do not fret if you missed the timing window for when to book your newborn session. Its popular for photographers to say that the perfect time to photograph a newborn is before they are 10 days old. I do not feel that way at all. If you baby is 3 weeks old schedule a newborn session. If you baby is 5.5 weeks old…schedule your newborn session. If you are 10 weeks pregnant and excited to get on the calendar…schedule your newborn session. Having these portraits of when your baby is brand new are so invaluable. Don’t think that because you missed some stereotypical newborn session window I won’t photograph your precious baby. I want to provide you with gorgeous portraits no matter how old your baby is.
Circumcision is the one thing I try to schedule newborn sessions around. If you aren’t going to have this done then you can book anytime. If you are going to circumcise your little boy please lets schedule your newborn session before that happens or a week after the surgery. Scheduling for a week after surgery gives things time to heal and it is less likely to bleed.
Yes! That would be considered a bundle. I offer 2 sessions in one year or 3 sessions in one year bundles at a great value! Contact me for a custom booking area for bundles!
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