Year In Review | Thank You For A Great 2022

Happy New Year Friends! I wanted to take the time to say Thank You so much to all of you for such a wonderful 2022! I’m am beyond grateful that you all have entrusted me with photographing such special times for your family. I can’t wait for 2023 and all the wonderful memories we will make together! Let’s check out some of my favorite images from 2022.

This timeless portraits was one of my first in 2022.
Because this sweet smile is contagious.
This was the first session I photographed at my current favorite outdoor location.
Thank you to this beautiful mama for letting me work on my studio lighting skills.
Thank you to Gather Downtown Redding for being truly awesome, featuring my work, and letting me photograph their beautiful store.
Thank you to this amazing family for the challenge of photographing their beautiful twins!
I love how much this image feels like film even though it was a digital capture.
Because these guys did the forehead touch the best and those baby cheeks!
Because there was no bigger joy then photographing Roses & Rust (twice)
Thank you to this gorgeous family for being one of my largest to date and for letting me dress some of them in client wardrobe!
Thank you to this family for trusting me with Newborn and Family pictures! (Location: my favorite outdoor spot)
Because little moments like this are what’s really important.
Because my Poppy went to Heaven this year.
I’m grateful to see this dress in use. I wore it when I was 4 years old.
Thank you to this amazing family for allowing me into their beautiful home for an In-Home Newborn Session
studio newborn family group
Because the light during this session was my favorite all year! And because this mama is the sweetest best ever.
studio maternity
Not only is this mama totally stunning but this image was featured on the Motherhood Anthology Instagram (goals!).
studio newborn thank you
Because Grandparents at a Newborn Session is absolutely heart melting!
Because I had my first ever Family session that was a hybrid between film and digital.

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