Would you love to get rewarded for sharing about Cayton Heath Photography?
Earn Cash or Session Credit when you tell others!
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What is the Referral Program?
Every session and wedding receives special referral cards making it simple to spread the word about your experience with Cayton Heath Photography and get rewarded!
What do you earn?
All Wedding referrals receive a $100 gift card to a business of your choice!
All Portrait sessions receive a $25 gift card to a business of your choice!
How do you do it?
Hand out the little referral cards that you will receive after your session and give them out to your friends and family. Share about your experience and when one of your friends or family members brings me one of your cards when they book their session I will send you your gift card reward!
The only catch is that the referral card that you passed on needs to be brought back to me so that everything can be tracked and counted!
Cayton Heath Photography is a local Redding, CA photography studio specializing in portraits, school pictures, and photography mentoring in the heart of Shasta County.
Cayton Heath Photography is a local Redding, CA photography studio specializing in portraits, school pictures, and photography mentoring in the heart of Shasta County.
Cayton Heath Photography is a local Redding, CA photography studio specializing in portraits, school pictures, and photography mentoring in the heart of Shasta County.
Cayton Heath Photography is a local Redding, CA photography studio specializing in portraits, school pictures, and photography mentoring in the heart of Shasta County.
Cayton Heath Photography is a local Redding, CA photography studio specializing in portraits, school pictures, and photography mentoring in the heart of Shasta County.